Thursday, November 9, 2017

Patient Correspondence Letter

There are times when physicians cannot rely on pre-printed translated office material. Particularly when it comes to communicating important information to patients, personalized letters tailored to the patient in question are required. Here is an example of an actual letter* directed to a patient from his general ophthalmologist. You will see the original English version first and then my translation into Spanish (*all names and locations have been changed to protect anonymity). This letter in particular was sent to the patient because he never followed up with setting up an appointment with a glaucoma specialist—something that was recommended to him during a recent office visit.

Dear Sir:

Your last visit to our office was October 21, 2015.  During that exam, I had explained to you that you have a diagnosis of advanced glaucoma and that you are going to need medication in the form of eye drops to treat it.  I also told you that you are going to need a glaucoma specialist and that you have the opportunity to see Dr. Smith, located in Springfield, or Dr. Jacobs in West County. You told me that you would make a decision as to which office to visit, and that you would call me with this information.

Since that time, I have not heard from you.  My secretaries have tried contacting you, but you have not answered.  Please remember that a diagnosis of advanced glaucoma is very serious.  In your case, eye drops are not enough to maintain a stable eye pressure—you need the help of a specialist.  If not, it is possible that you are going to lose your vision completely.

Please, when you receive this letter, call the office to schedule an appointment with the glaucoma specialist.  The number here is:

(123) 456-7890

Remember, if you do not call to make this appointment with the specialist, you are in danger of going blind.

Thank you for your time.


Dr. Jones


Estimado Señor,

Su última visita en nuestra oficina fue el 21 de octubre, 2015.  Durante ese examen, le expliqué a usted que tiene un diagnóstico de glaucoma bien avanzado, y que va a necesitar medicamentos en la forma de gotas para curarlo.  También, le dije a usted que necesita un especialista de glaucoma, y tiene la oportunidad de ver al Dr. Smith, ubicado en Springfield, o al Dr. Jacobs en el Condado de West.  Usted me dijo que haría una decisión cual oficina podría visitar, y que me llamaría con esta información. 

Desde ese tiempo, no he oído de usted.  Las secretarias han tratado de llamarlo, pero no nos ha contestado.  Por favor, recuerda usted que el diagnóstico de glaucoma avanzado es muy grave.  En su caso, los colirios no son bastante para mantener una presión estable del globo del ojo—necesita usted la ayuda de un especialista.  Si no, es posible que pierda la visión completamente.

Por favor, cuando recibe usted esta carta, llame la oficina aquí para hacer la cita con el especialista.  El número aquí es:

(123) 456-7890

Recuerda, si no llama para hacer esta cita con el especialista, usted está en peligro de la ceguera.

Gracias por su tiempo.


Dr. Jones
NYC Bird Murals 2017. Artist: Key Detail

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