Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Year New Vocabulary

Whenever I read Spanish, I always make a list of the words I don’t know when I come across them.  Despite this blog being medical-Spanish focused, I want to share a vocabulary list I recently created of everyday words, legal terms, descriptive vocabulary and colloquial phrases etc that I found reading newspapers and articles in Spanish.

Every little bit of information helps. Necesitará tiempo para memorizar todo pero, recuerda, ¡SÍ, Se Puede! 

Ponencia - paper (research paper)
Pitonisa - fortune teller
Tejemaneje - monkey business
Garapiñado - sugar coated
Columpio- swing (at a playground)
Entrometido - meddler
Nuera(o) - daughter in law(son in law)
 Estás de coño? - Are you kidding me?
Ejote/judía verde - greenbean
Ñame/batata/camote - yam
Carmelizada - candied
Cobijo - shelter
Estar de guardia - to be on duty
Carencia - lack
Estar de nuevo - to be again
Reemplazar - replace
Borrar - delete
Palo- branch                 
Rayar- to scratch                           
Desmenuzar - to shred
Rallador - grater
Portavoz- spokesperson
Rama - branch (tree branch)
Féretro - coffin
Rescatar- to rescue
Pateras- boats
Ahuyentar - to frighten
Enterarse - to find out
Cuero cabelludo - scalp
Remedio casero - home remedy
Vuelta de la esquina - around the corner
Rebasar - to exceed
Rebosar - to overflow
Enchufar - to plug in
Desconéctese - to disconnect
Arañar - to scratch
Machacar - to crush/grind
Lamer - to lick
Requiebro(requebrar) - compliment(to woo)
Piropo - compliment
Se niega a dimitir - refuses to resign
Dejar ir - to let go
Trastorno - disorder
Reto - challenge
Atemorizar - to terrify
Enfurecer -to enrage
Proyectar - to project
Agudeza - (visual) acuity
En polvo - powdered
pestañas postizas - false eyelashes
adelgazar - to thin
hojuela - flake
vínculo - link; tie
cacahuetes - peanuts
nitidez - sharpness
tuitear - to tweet
bloquear - to block                               
haquear - to hack
etapa - stage
reposo - repose/state of rest
influjo - influence
grosor - thickness
al fin y al cabo - when all is said and done
colirio - eyedrops/eyewash
lupa - magnifying glass
encandilar - to dazzle
amenza - threat (n)
truco - trick (n)
pleonasmo - pleonasm
adelgazar - to thin
zarpar-to sail   
dejar a alguien plantado - to stand someone up
marfil - ivory
abultamiento - bulge (ie orzuelo/chalazión)
Quitarse a alguien de encima- to get rid of somebody

Courtesy: D. Hromin

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